DistriNet DAS


As a key component of EVERTAC's comprehensive solution, our DMR repeater, the Mark 1000, offers robust performance as a DMR-compliant digital transceiver. In addition, it sets itself apart from other DMR repeaters on the market, by boasting an array of intelligent features and control capabilities for seamless integration with the rest of DistriNet. This design also enhances its capacity for integration with auxiliary systems and third-party applications.


Features Highlight


●  Designed for low-power output within the DistriNet system, making it an excellent fit for smart infrastructure Extra low voltage (ELV) eco-system. It facilitates the efficient supply of direct power needed for fiber optics backbone distribution, eliminating the need for high-power equipment and addressing associated technical challenges.


●  Intuitive and comprehensive status display: Clear and uncluttered visual to present key functional status and alarms, facilitating simple maintenance and repairs procedures.


●  Supports integration with NetFlex Cloud Platform for unified control and network service management.


●  A clean and clear visual display of operational status offers data, alerts, and response recommendations, ultimately improving system availability and network service quality.

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